Since I had put up the visitor counter across all my blogs at blogspot (except the 2 hidden from my profile) since December 2008, the numbers has hit ten thousand.
I know it's not really accurate as people would view other posts, web bots taking screenshots or finding pharses that would appear in the search results, and some would re-visit the page. Then again, my blogs has been around for many times longer than when I put up some form of knowing the numbers of people visiting.
The counter you see above it displays current number of visitors. If you click on it, you would see the pages that are being viewed and a map of where all my visitors where it is generally spread around the world. If you played around with the map, you would notice that the large majority of visitors are from Japan. This is probably largely because entering "とらドラ 歌詞" (Toradora song lyrics) in Google search, would have the post of one of my blogs appearing at the very top in 1st place out of the 242,000 possible results. The screenshot below is proof:

So thank you for visiting my blog.