Saturday, June 7, 2008

English edition anime blog: Changed layout

I have changed the layout for the English version of the anime blog to match that of the Japanese version, which has been there for quite some time now. The navigation bar is blue instead of black to tell apart from each other without scrolling down.

In case you were wondering, the layout is a modified version of "Sand Dolar", one of blogger's default layouts. As for the one you are currently seeing on this blog, it is based on "Harbour", another modified default layout of blogger, was originally designed for my main blog. I spent a lot of time editing it until it doesn't resemble the original. However, due to limitations with the layout, I decided, at that time, to change the layout and dump the layout to here, which previously had an unmodified default layout.

Speaking of the above, the current layout is not permanent: I have plans to change the background to something that is nice, but yet readable with the text on top of it. For the header image, I have plans to use a non-anime related image with a layout smillar to the anime blogs: a spillover effect above the Navbar and the sidebar, but on the right instead of left.